FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Who can take part in the basic training course ‘Tutor*in sein’?
The basic training course addresses tutors and teaching assistants at the University of Vienna. By arrangement with the directorate of studies and depending on available places, other student multipliers can also take part.
I am a teaching assistant. Can I take part in the basic training course?
Yes, there are special workshops for teaching assistants.
I am not a tutor yet but would like to become a tutor. Do I need to complete the basic training for this?
No, you do not need to attend the basic training to become a tutor or teaching assistant. Please contact the directorate of studies in charge for further information about becoming a tutor or teaching assistant at your department.
When, and in what setting, does the basic training take place?
Click here for further details on dates, locations and setting. In the context of registration, you will be enrolled on a Moodle course.
What is the deadline for registering for the basic tutor training?
Further details on registration are given under ‘Dates and registration’. The deadline for registration is one week before the workshop.
What’s the duration of the basic tutor training?
The basic training consists of a four-hour workshop and complementing materials.
How many participants can attend the training?
15 places per workshop are available. Unless otherwise agreed with the directorate of studies in charge, the places are allocated according to the first-come-first-serve principle.
Is the basic tutor training free?
Yes, the basic training is free of cost.
Can I have my participation in the basic tutor training recognised?
Unless otherwise agreed with the directorate of studies in charge, participation in the tutor training is not eligible for recognition. After you’ve successfully completed the training, you are issued a certificate of participation.
Is the basic training a prerequisite for taking part in QuaM?
No, you do not need to have attended the basic training to take part in workshops organised in the context of the QuaM! - qualification offers for student multipliers.
Whom can I contact for any further questions?
Erika Unterpertinger is in charge of the basic training for tutors (tutoring.ctl@univie.ac.at).
Contact person
Erika Unterpertinger, via tutoring.ctl@univie.ac.at