FAQ - Frequently asked questions
What do participants think of the workshops?
They do seem to like them. We have collected the feedback of several participants (in German).
How can I register for a workshop?
You need to be enrolled on the QuaM! Moodle course to be able to register for workshops. Click here for further details on registration for this course.
How many places are available in the workshops?
Workshops on site are usually restricted to 8 and 20 places, which are allocated according to the principle of first come, first serve.
Online workshops usually have an unlimited number of places.
I am a tutor. Am I subject to any special requirements?
You can attend all QuaM! workshops that you are interested in. Please send an e-mail to quam.ctl@univie.ac.at
- Include your student ID number (‘Matrikelnummer’).
- Indicate that you are a tutor.
Tutors can, in addition, attend the basic tutor training. Click here for further details on dates and registration for the current semester. The basic training and the QuaM! workshops don’t have to be taken in a fixed order. You can, but don’t have to, attend the basic training before you register for a QuaM! workshop. For further information about the contents of the basic training, please visit ctl.univie.ac.at/tutoring.
I am study assistant. Am I subject to any special requirements?
You can attend all QuaM! workshops that you are interested in. Please send an e-mail to quam.ctl@univie.ac.at
- Include your student ID number (‘Matrikelnummer’).
- Indicate that you are studant assistant.
Tutors can, in addition, attend the basic tutor training. Click here for further details on dates and registration for the current semester. The basic training and the QuaM! workshops don’t have to be taken in a fixed order. You can, but don’t have to, attend the basic training before you register for a QuaM! workshop. For further information about the contents of the basic training, please visit ctl.univie.ac.at/tutoring.
I am a writing mentor. Am I subject to any special requirements?
If you are attending Module 1, certain QuaM! workshops are compulsory for you as they are part of your training. These workshops are marked as compulsory for, and are only open to, writing mentors. Please don’t forget to register for these workshops as participation forms part of your grading. Participation in other comparable workshops is only admissible in specific, well-justified exceptional cases! The compulsory workshops to which this applies are:
- Moodle
- Moodle basics (‘Einstieg in Moodle’) OR
- Communication of knowledge and learning process support in Moodle (‘Wissensvermittlung und Lernprozessbegleitung in Moodle’)
- Diversity competence for writing mentors (‘Diversitätskompetenz für Schreibmentor*innen’) (Module 1)
- Facilitation of groups for writing mentors (‘(An-)Leiten von Gruppen für Schreibmentor*innen’) (Module 1)
You are, of course, welcome to attend any other QuaM! workshops on a voluntary basis. Participation in additional workshops does not influence your grade in Module 1. You are issued a certificate of participation for each workshop you have attended.
If you attend Module 2 or Module 3, no special requirements apply. You are free to attend any QuaM! workshop, but participation is not compulsory. You are issued a certificate of participation for each workshop you have attended.
- Moodle
I am an e-multiplier (EMU). Am I subject to any special requirements?
You can attend all QuaM! workshops that you are interested in. In the context of EMU qualification, you need to attend at least two workshops, which you can choose freely, before 30 April. You are issued a certificate of participation for each workshop you have attended. Please upload the certificate of participation to the e-multiplier room (as specified). This serves as proof of participation. Further information is given in the e-multiplier room.
Is participation in the workshops free?
Yes, participation in the workshops is free of charge. You are issued a certificate of participation at the end of each workshop.
Can I have participation in the QuaM! workshops recognised?
Unless otherwise agreed with the directorate of studies in charge, participation in the workshops is not eligible for recognition. At the end of the workshop, you are issued a certificate of participation.
Whom can I contact for any further questions?
Please contact Klara Dreo for further information about qualification offers for student multipliers (quam.ctl@univie.ac.at).
Contact person
Klara Dreo, via quam.ctl@univie.ac.at