Introduction to Assessment and Grading in Higher Education


 Learning outcomes & Content

After completing the course participants will be able to

  • write learning outcomes and use constructive alignment as a course planning tool.
  • explain the terms formative and summative assessment and integrate these concepts into their own course design.
  • use simple methods for self / peer / teacher assessment in synchronous and asynchronous phases.
  • take into consideration basic legal requirements that impact course planning and assessment.
  • list various assessment methods.

Assessment is a much broader term than merely studying for, and teaching to, an exam. During a learning process assessment informs teachers as well as students about what, how much and how well students are learning. Assessment allows teachers and students to intervene during the course if needed. In other words, if students know what they need to improve on - based on an empirical basis instead of relying on assumptions -, they can act accordingly. Thus, assessment is considered to be a bridge between teaching and learning that not only improves learning but fosters independent learning.

In this course we will first work on writing learning outcomes and using the concept of constructive alignment as a course planning tool for courses that you are currently teaching or plan to teach in the future. Secondly, after going through the most important aspects of assessmentwe will discuss various assessment methods and how to implement them into your course design.

 Target group

Academic staff


  • Interactive input phases
  • Individual work phases
  • Small group exercises
  • Plenary discussions

Format & Workload

The course will take place online.
Total workload: 7h

 Course convenor:

MMag. Dr. Olivia Vrabl

Lehre und Forschung zu Hochschulmethodik, Lesedidaktik, Referatsdidaktik, Leistungsbeurteilung, Kurslogistik und Unterrichtsmanagement. Lehramtsstudium und Diplomstudium der Hispanistik und Anglistik, zusätzlich Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Doktorat am Institut für Germanistik. Zahlreiche Lehraufträge im In- und Ausland.


Part 1:Tue., 20.02.2024, 09:00-12:00 (face-to-face class
Part 2: Tue., 27.02.2024, 09:00-12:00 (face-to-face class)


Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL),
University of Vienna, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstraße 5


Please register via the Website of the Department of Human Resources Development