When to Teach What?

Sequencing Course Content and Assignments

 Learning outcomes & Content

After this course participants will be able to...

  • describe principles for and approaches to sequencing courses.
  • apply these principles and approaches to their course planning.
  • effectively align assignments with course content to support student learning.
  • integrate more flexibility into their course structures.


A well-sequenced course helps students learn and stay motivated throughout the semester. It can offer a supporting structure for students to achieve the intended learning outcomes through a meaningful succession of content and assignments that keep them engaged and the workload challenging, yet manageable.

We will start off the workshop by discussing various principles available to sequence course content, some of which you probably use in your teaching already (for example, chronological order, around case studies, moving from theory to application, etc.). In a next step, we will explore ways to integrate assignments that help students to acquire and solidify the knowledge and/or skills according to your course's learning outcomes.

Practical work on a course of your choice will be central to this workshop. You will reflect on your current course sequencing practice, its advantages and perhaps downsides, and apply a different sequencing principle to design an alternative course structure. You will have a week between face-to-face meetings for re-designing your existing course or initial ideas.

 Target group

Academic staff


  • Brief input sequences by the workshop facilitator
  • Plenary and small group discussions
  • Re-designing one of your courses

Format & Workload

This course is planned as a face-to-face class. 
Total workload: 7h (2 x 3 hours in the course + re-designing your existing course)

 Course convenor:

Mag. Barbara Louis, PhD

Barbara Louis (Ph.D., University of Minnesota 2015) has been a staff member at the Center for Teaching and Learning since 2015. She is currently the director of programs for first-time teachers (including basic qualification workshops and the coaching program). In addition, she serves as project manager and as a member of the editorial board for the teaching guide repository Infopool besser lehren/Infopool better teaching.


Part 1:Tue., 18.02.2025, 09:00-12:00 (face-to-face class
Part 2: Tue., 25.02.2025, 09:00-12:00 (face-to-face class)


Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL),
University of Vienna, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstraße 5


Please register via the central registration platform of the University of Vienna.

If you would like to register for this course but are not employed by the University of Vienna, please contact teachingcompetence.ctl@univie.ac.at