Writing marathon
1 week : 5 days : 42.19 hours
Did you already launch into the final spurt of writing your bachelor’s or master’s thesis?
Students at the University of Vienna writing their papers/theses are offered a (Moodle) room, structure and a productive exchange.
Participants in the writing marathon are offered:
- a room that enables fully focused working;
- A clear weekly structure
- individual consultations on academic writing and working;
- Feedback on texts
- Workshops in small groups
- exchange on methods;
- and not least, fun and motivation!
You can choose between a German-language and an English-language group. When registering, please indicate which group you would like to participate in.
Prerequisites for participation
... for bachelor's students
- You are attending a bachelor’s seminar.
- You have found a topic, and it has been approved/registered and narrowed down.
- You have extensively read up on the topic.
- You are able to attend punctually and participate in the entire marathon on every day for one week.
... for master's students and graduands
- You have extensively read up on the topic.
- Your topic has been registered, and you have recently met your supervisor or have scheduled a meeting before the writing marathon.
- You are able to attend punctually and participate in the entire marathon on every day for one week.
Here’s what participants in the writing marathon are saying:
So far, only good things. We asked the participants of a writing marathon group for testimonials .
One participant reports on his experiences at the marathon in the blog post Mit "Peer-Pressure" gegen Prokrastination (in German). Worth reading!
Contact Person for directors of studies (SPL): Klara Dreo
Contact via: klara.dreo@univie.ac.at
For students: peerpoint.ctl@univie.ac.at
The framework of the writing marathon has been drawn up by Dagmar Knorr, who organised the first 42:19-hour writing stint within one week at Universität Hamburg.