Teaching Competence Plus certificate programme
In October 2024, the next Teaching Competence Plus certificate programme is going to start (15 ECTS credits), which targets university teachers from the postdoctoral phase onwards. This certificate course allows academics to further professionalise their teaching. Certificates in teaching in higher education give academics the opportunity to provide proof of their teaching qualification when applying for jobs on the academic job market. Moreover, professional development offers contribute to increasing the teaching quality and therefore the education and training of the students.
Short Facts
- Completion Certificate of the University of Vienna
- Duration 2 semesters (part time)
- Scope 15 ECTS credits
- Language German and English (both languages are required)
- Cost EUR 1.550,- (see below)
- Start October 2024
Information sheet to download (in German)
File size: 496 kB
Module structure
What elements does the certificate course consist of?
Find out more here! (in German)
Binding Dates
There are few binding dates for working out the basics and exchanging ideas with colleagues in the group.
Here you can find out more about the previous rounds of the certificate course since 2016, feedback from graduates and participation statistics. (in German)
Content and qualification profile
Graduates of the certificate course are qualified to professionally design and carry out research-oriented teaching. They know ways to support teaching with media and can use them with a focus on the particular target group. They have important basic knowledge of study law issues. Graduates are able to apply didactic methods in line with the learning outcomes and adapt these to the requirements of the target group. Furthermore, graduates can develop and carry out appropriate examination formats for their subject culture and for the respective learning outcomes. They are able to continuously develop teaching in the sense of a quality control loop.
Information about the modular structure of the certificate course can be found here.
Academic direction:
Foto: Barbara Mair
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Andrea Lehner-Hartmann
University Professor of Religious Education and Catechetics, Dean of the Catholic Theological Faculty, Deputy Head of the Institute of Practical Theology, University of Vienna.
Foto: Katja Stolz, Essen
Assoz. Prof. Dr. paed. Claudia Maria Angele
Associate Professor of Didactics in Nutritional Sciences, Deputy Director of the Center for Teacher Education (ZLB), Vice Program Director of Nutritional Sciences, University of Vienna.
Academic coordination and responsibility for modules
Foto: Der Knopfdrücker
Mag. Christoph Winter
Educational Developer at the Center for Teaching and Learning, Lecturer at the Center for Teacher Education and the Department of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Vienna, and Scientific Coordinator of the Certificate Course.
Foto: Der Knopfdrücker
Mag. Eva Erber, BA BA
Responsible for coordinating and organizing the event series 'Teaching Conversations' as well as tailored teaching development and newsletter editing at the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vienna, and contributing to the academic coordination and organization of the Certificate Course "Teaching Competence Plus".
Dr. Renate Wöhrer
Responsible for planning and conducting the workshop series 'Teaching Competence' at the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vienna, and module coordinator for Module B of the certificate course "Teaching Competence Plus".
Target group and requirements for participation
The offer is aimed at experienced university teachers on the staff of the University of Vienna who, to help their career development, would like to further professionalise their teaching competence and expand their repertoire of methods. The target group comprises professors, associate professors, associated professors, assistant professors, tenure track professors, senior lecturers and university assistants holding a doctoral degree.
Requirements for participation are (1) a completed doctorate, (2) several years of teaching experience in higher education and (3) employment and teaching work at the University of Vienna over the period of the certificate programme.
The cost of the Teaching Competence Plus certificate course is covered by the University of Vienna and by the faculty and participants respectively. For each person there is a participant fee of EUR 1,550. EUR 1,350 will be covered by the faculties and centres. Each participant pays a co-payment of EUR 200.
Selection procedure
16/05/2024: Deadline for nominations
The study deans of each faculty appoint 1-2 people. Faculties with many potential candidates can also nominate more people. In this case, a brief explanation of the ranking is required. Please send the nominations for potential participation to christoph.winter@univie.ac.at by 10 May 2022.
By 31 May 2024: Selection of participants
If there are more applicants than places, the academic course director will make a selection in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs.