Non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring

Non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring is open to all first-semester students at the University of Vienna whose degree programme does not offer its own subject-specific STEOP mentoring. Students from different degree programmes meet in peer groups with very diverse backgrounds to find support during the entry phase, get familiar with the challenges of everyday student life, and for advice during the introductory and orientation period.

Non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring is held in group settings facilitated by STEOP assistants (experienced student assistants).

Registration takes place by self-enrolment on a Moodle course.



Non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring

  • First steps and orientation at the University of Vienna
  • Exchange with peers from different degree programmes
  • Learning and working strategies for university life
 Non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring provides: 
  • answers to questions concerning your start at the University;
  • an opportunity to get to know other students;
  • successful learning and working strategies for many different degree programmes;
  • information and exchange on STEOP;
  • information about planning your own study progress.

 Dates winter semester 2024

When? (starting on TBA)Where?
Group 1TBA

on site: CTL-Peer-Seminarraum, NIG, 7. Stock, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

if not possible on site: online via Moodle

Group 2TBA

vor Ort: CTL-Peer-Seminarraum, NIG, 7. Stock, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

if not possible on site: online via Moodle

Registration: Please self-register for non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring. In order to take part, please click the button and enter the enrollment key (‘Einschreibschlüssel’) ‘STEOPMentoringUnivie’.

You are then enrolled for access to the non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring Moodle room, where you can register for whichever mentoring group you prefer.

Attention: The registration period usually starts in mid-March for the summer semester and mid-October for the winter semester!


FAQs on non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring


  • How do I register for non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring?

    As a first step, self-enroll to the Moodle room for non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring using the enrolment key. There, you’ll find further information about registering for the individual mentoring groups.

  • Do I have to register, or cancel a prior registration, for non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring?

    Yes, you need to register for a mentoring group in order to take part in the sessions. This is necessary because the number of participants is limited, and fluctuation in the groups should be kept to a minimum to enable a lively exchange.

    If you don't want to continue to attend the mentoring sessions, please cancel your registration so that other prospective participants can take your place.

  • What’s the specific setting of non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring?

    As a rule, two or three mentoring groups are run. They meet once a week for 1.5-hour sessions, during which students may exchange on study-related topics such as self-organisation at university, motivation, learning, etc. The focus is always on social networking, as well as on exchange as equals on a first-name basis.

  • Where, and in which format, do the sessions take place?

    Depending on whether they will/can be held online or on site, either online tools of the University of Vienna (e.g. Collaborate, BBB, Zoom, etc.) are used, or the sessions take place at a University location.

  • Who is in charge of non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring?

    Non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring is organised and planned by the two STEOP assistants at the CTL. They also hold the weekly sessions of the individual mentoring groups.

  • My degree programme offers its own mentoring but I’d rather attend the non-subject-specific sessions. Can I do that?

    We generally recommend that you take part in the STEOP mentoring of your own degree programme as it also provides specific information about your programme. If your schedule prevents you from attending subject-specific mentoring sessions, please contact us by e-mail.

  • What’s the difference between subject-specific and non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring?

    Non-subject-specific STEOP mentoring addresses first-semester students of those degree programmes of the University of Vienna that do not offer their own STEOP mentoring. Please consult the list to find out whether subject-specific STEOP mentoring is available for your degree programme.


Julia Heck:                   

Daniil Redkozubov: