How to develop beneficial self-study settings

 Learning outcomes & Content

After this course participants will be able to ...

  • prepare and conduct self-study settings.
  • develop sound tasks for self-study activities.
  • appropriately intertwine attendance and self-study phases.

In this hands-on workshop we focus on effective self-study settings. Participants will delve into the strategic development and implementation of self-directed learning environments. Unlock practical insights as you explore techniques for crafting tasks that not only support students during self-study periods, but also contribute to a more profound understanding of the subject matter.

You will learn to seamlessly integrate attendance and self-study phases, providing you with a toolkit for optimizing the learning experience. By the end of this workshop, you'll be equipped with valuable strategies, empowering you to thoughtfully design and implement truly beneficial self-study settings.

 Target group

All instructors who wish to include self-study settings in their instruction.


  • Short theoretical input sessions
  • Individual reflection
  • Pair & group work activities
  • Discussions

Format & Workload

This course is planned as a face-to-face workshop. 
Total workload: 4h 

 Course convenor:

MMag. Dr. Elisabeth Weber

MMag. Dr. Elisabeth Weber is a certified didactics expert and seasoned instructor with over 20 years of experience. Recognized for her excellence, she received BOKU's Teaching Award and was nominated for the Austrian National Award for Higher Education.




Tue., 03.12.2024, 09:00-13:00 (face-to-face class


Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL),
University of Vienna, 1010 Vienna, Universitätsstraße 5


Please register via the central registration platform of the University of Vienna, which will be online from September 2024. You will then find a link to it here.

If you would like to register for this course but are not employed by the University of Vienna, please contact