Student Research and Peer Learning team

 The team "Student Research and Peer Learning" (in German: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Peer Learning, with a wink: WAPL) focuses on building interdisciplinary competencies and developing students. In addition to teaching, interaction with other students is crucial for academic socialization. Our offers start at the transition points in the study, where students need a lot of orientation or new competences, by training student multipliers (tutors, mentors, study assistants, etc.) situationally for the work with other students, promoting the emergence of study-related communities and sensitizing and qualifying teachers in the context of the offers of the CTL. 

In addition to content, role and resource orientation as well as self-reflection are central to qualifying student multipliers for supporting students in their own or other subjects.  

All members of Team WAPL are trained in process-oriented writing didactics and bring experience from university teaching and didactics, multilingualism and diversity, group dynamics, coaching and supervision, digitalization, and cognitive and learning research through their different academic backgrounds and professional biographies. 

Our areas of responsibility include:

  • Coordination and development of the StEOP mentoring program.
  • Coordination and development of the writing mentoring program
  • Coordination and development of the training of tutors and study assistants
  • Providing academic writing and work for students, as well as learning opportunities, from one-on-one advising to large group formats
  • Coordination and development of Student Research Space
  • Training of student multipliers for the respective task profile as StEOP mentor, writing mentor, tutor, etc. 
  • Topic-centered qualification offer for student multipliers (QuaM!): Workshops on academic reading, writing, working, digitization, learning, working on oneself, and working with others.
  • Workshops, webinars and individual offers for teachers and study programs (in cooperation with other formats of the CTL)
  • Development and provision of materials for student multipliers and teachers (from handouts to MOOCs)
  • Monitoring of the offers in the area of WAPL
  • Maintenance of the professional network and cooperation within the framework of projects
  • Demand-driven further or new development of offers in the context of the development plan of the University of Vienna

Team leader Brigitte Römmer-Nossek 
Dr. Brigitte Römmer-Nossek is head of the Student Research and Peer Learning team at the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at the University of Vienna. As a cognitive scientist and university didactician, she is concerned with competence acquisition from the perspective of students, teachers and curriculum developers. She is particularly interested in research-based learning, the academic socialisation of students, the role and design of physical and digital spaces, and the potential of interdisciplinarity. As a lecturer, she is currently involved in the master's programme MEi:CogSci as well as in the extension curriculum "Akademische Schreibkompetenz entwickeln, vermitteln und beforschen – Ausbildung von Schreibmentor*innen" ("Developing, teaching and researching academic writing competence - training writing mentors"); she was significantly involved in the conception and curriculum development of both projects. She began her studies in English and Political Science in Vienna and Manchester before studying her self-developed studium irregulare "Brain and Cognitive Sciences". After a period in non-university research and software development, she moved to the University of Vienna in 2004. She is an expert and trainer in scientific writing and has a PhD on scientific writing as a cognitive process and the relationship between writing development and epistemological development.

Responsibilities at CTL: Team leader for Student Research and Peer Learning - offers for students (writing mentoring, writing assistance programme, writing workshops); STEOP mentoring.

T: +43-1-4277-12053

Klara Dreo, MA is an applied linguist and writing didactician who joined the Student Research and Peer Learning team in 2019. Prior to that, she has supported students in workshops and one-on-one consultations as a writing mentor and writing assistant at CTL since 2015 and participated in the collaborative development of support formats. She continues to develop DaF/DaZ didactics for the demands of academic writing and ensures that multilingualism is considered in all offerings. In the EC "Developing, Teaching, and Researching Academic Writing Competence - Training Writing Mentors*", she has been a lecturer and co-coordinator since 2018. Her focus areas and interests include university writing didactics, writing competencies, and multilingualism.

Responsibilities at CTL: Coordination and further development of the Qualification offers for student multiplier (in German: Qualifizierungsangebote studentischer Multiplikator*innen, QuaM!), conception and implementation of measures for teaching and learning development in the field of academic writing and working in BA studies, especially for students with a first language other than German, monitoring of faculty projects on scientific writing, coordination of the writing marathons, co-coordination of the writing mentoring program, design of the public appearance of the work area, social media as well as visual design.

T: +43-1-4277-12074

Marcela Hubert, BA joined the CTL in October 2021 as part of the team Student Research and Peer Learning. Previously, she was a writing mentor and writing assistant at CTL in 2016-2021 and has yearlong experience in peer student-counseling. Since 2019, she teaches academic writing in English and she studied Transcultural Communication as well as Translation with a focus on Conference Interpreting at the University of Vienna/Newcastle University. Her areas of focus and interest besides writing didactics and academic writing in English also include developing formats for students concerning learning and study strategies, study (dis)satisfaction and study progress.

Responsibilities at CTL: Development and coordination of a data-supported peer counseling service for students with accompanying research, conception and implementation of qualification offers for student multipliers, cooperation in the STEOP-Mentoring coordination

T: +43-1-4277-12083

Isabella Ollinger, BA,  is an educational scientist specializing in media education and joined the CTL as part of the team Student Research and Peer Learning in 2023. From 2018-2023 she worked as a writing-mentor, writing-assistant and peer student-counselor. Her areas of focus at the CTL include the coordination of the writing mentoring program and the development and implementation of workshops in various formats. Since 2021 she is lecturer at the PH Wien and the University of Vienna in the fields of media education and academic writing.

Responsibilities at CTL Coordination of the writing-mentoring program, support of faculty projects on academic writing, competence frameworks for writing in the academic field.

T: +43-1-4277-12058

Frano Petar Rismondo, MA

Frano Petar Rismondo joined in 2021 the Student Research and Peer Learning team. Prior to that, he was a writing mentor and writing assistant at CTL from 2015 to 2021. He is a political scientist by training and a writing instructor with many transdisciplinary interests, of which he would like to highlight phenomenology.

Responsibilities at CTL: digiUR project collaborator (EU-dUR), coordination as well as collaboration in the conception and development of the Student Research Hub, conception and implementation of workshops for student multipliers and teachers on topics related to learning, scholarly reading, writing, working, and research, coordination of MOOCs of the Student Research and Peer Learning team, coordination and supervision of the StEOP Mentoring Program.


T: +43-1-4277-120 85

Erika Unterpertinger, MA, comparatist and writing scholar, joined the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at the University of Vienna in 2019 as a member of the Student Research and Peer Learning team. Her main focus is on teaching and learning development in the field of scientific work in master studies and basic training for tutors. Since summer semester 2020, she has been a lecturer in the extension curriculum "Developing, Teaching and Researching Academic Writing Competence - Training of Writing Mentors" and since summer semester 2021, she has been a lecturer for academic work in the master's program Studium Generale of the PostGraduate Center of the University of Vienna. Previously, she worked as a writing mentor and writing assistant from 2015 to 2019 and gained insight into the challenges students encounter when writing their theses. Therefore, her dissertation focuses on the question of how student epistemological processes are formed and how they can be supported in a (writing-)didactic way.

Responsibilities at CTL: Conception and implementation of measures for teaching and learning development in the area of academic writing and working in master's studies, supervision of faculty projects on academic writing, operational coordination of the writing assistance program, evaluation of the area of academic writing, coordination and publication of "zisch: zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre schreibforschung".

T: +43-1-4277-12073

Student employees

Writing assistants

Writing Assistants all have writing didactic training and have been writing mentors for at least one semester. Their responsibilities include the implementation of the writing assistance program, the implementation of writing didactic pop-ups, the holding of kick-off workshopswriting consultations, and the writing marathon. In addition, they specialize in specific activities.

NameResponsibilities / CoordinationWorking languages
Elodie AhnSocial MediaGerman, English
Luis BritzMethod camp coordinationGerman, English
Kanita HalkićGerman, English, BKS
Viktoria HauerWriting consultations, peer study progress consultationsGerman, English
Luzia JelinekGerman, English
Katharina KrumpeckAcademic EnglishGerman, English, Norwegian (Danish & Swedish) 
Katharina KuleszaKick-off workshops coordinationGerman, English, Polish
Max Langbruggerco-coordination writing marathonGerman, English
Johanna LindnerWriting didactics pop-ups, editorial office zischGerman, English
Sandra MeddaMethod camp coordinationGerman, English, Italian
Hanna OldofrediGerman, English
Sarah SobodaGerman, English, Portuguese
Sona VybostokovaGerman, English, Slovak, Czech

STEOP assistants

STEOP assistants have been STEOP mentors for at least one semester and are responsible for interdisciplinary STEOP mentoring. In addition, they coordinate the learning camp.

NameResponsibilities / CoordinationWorking Language
Julia HeckLearning campGerman, English
Claudia HagenauerLearning camp, Social MediaGerman, English
Daniil RedkozukovLearning campGerman, English

Peer student-counselors

Peer student advisors are active in the pilot project Peer Student Progess Advising. Based on their background as writing assistants or STEOP assistants, they were further qualified for the implementation of the new data-based counseling service. They are also significantly involved in the further development of the advising concept.

Viktoria Hauer

Felice Gotthardt

Luzia Jelinek

Teaching staff and writing coaches in writing mentoring training.

Christina Hollosi-Boiger
Klara Dreo
Michal Dvorecky
Evi Hammani-Freisleben
Eva Kuntschner
Claudia Macho
Birgit Peterson
Brigitte Römmer-Nossek
Daniela Rothe
Erika Unterpertinger
Karin Wetschanow

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