Data-Based Peer Student-Counseling

During this consultation we will support you in reflecting, phrasing and reaching your individual study and learning goals. Make use of this consultation to check-in with your current studying situation. Depending on data-availability, you will get a visualized and data-based view of your study progress so far. You will reflect on your study and learning experiences in order to develop strategies for your remaining study duration until graduation. Gain a clear perspective on your studies, your interests, expectations and goals, so that you can plan next steps utilizing the most useful strategies. 



  • How can peer student-counselors support me?

    We focus on your individual concerns. You bring your topic or concern. As peer student-counselors we will support you by asking specific questions that prompt self-reflection, we can show you helpful excerices, we give advice and point out a potential course of action, and we can also show you useful learning and studying strategies that motivate, bring clarity and give food for thought.

    Peer student-counseling is always at eye level. Peer student-counselors are experienced students who were trained at the CTL. Our peer-to-peer approach creates a confidential safe space during the consultation, with a friendly and cooperative atmosphere.  

  • Who can register?

    All bachelor and master students at the University of Vienna. Bachelor students after the STEOP in their third semester or above.


    All first year students can join the STEOP Mentoring. We also recommend the CTL workshops and consultations open to all bachelor and master students, e.g. Learning Camp (group) or Writing Consultation (individual).

  • Which topics can I discuss?

    We support you and your concerns in these three areas: 

    Topic 1: Study progress and study goals incl. data-based visualizations

    • Personal study goals for your own study progression 
    • Visualizations of your study progress (available for 8 bachelor programs)
    • Reflect on institutional and your own expectations (study success, study progress, study duration)
    • Indecision and doubt (choice of study, thoughts of drop-out, difficulty making decisions)
    • Motivation and interest in your studies
    • Reflect on perspectives and goals after graduation


    Topic 2: Individual situation

    • Recognizing, mobilizing, using own ressources 
    • Compatibility of study and personal circumstances (job, care work, other responsibilities, ...)
    • Diversity and accessible studying
    • Dealing with study-related stress (work load, stressful situations, setbacks and failures, exam anxiety, daily life at uni, …)


    Topic 3: Strategies

    • Reflect on learning strategies (including with AI)
    • Reflect on the use of AI in your studies
    • Strategies for study organization and planning 
    • Making effective use of learning groups
    • Communicating with lecturers 


    Note: Peer Student-Counseling is free of charge and voluntary. Registration is mandatory.

    Feedback and evaluation: We are contiously delevoping our services. So, we will invite you to fill out a questionnaire and submit your feedback after the consultation session, which is an essential contribution to the ongoing development of our services.

      • Which topics can't I discuss?

        What we do not offer is:

      • Will I see visualizations during my consulstation?

        We have ECTS-visualizations on our dashboard for the following eight bachelor studies: 

        • chemistry
        • computer science and business informatics
        • art history
        • mathematics
        • political science
        • psychology
        • sociology
        • business administration and economics (BWL, I-BWL, VWL, statistics)


        Depending on your concerns and data-availability, we can discuss your data-based visualizations of your individual study progress. Beyond ECTS and study duration, we can also discuss your personal study and learning goals, motivation and interest in your studies, study success, study (dis)satisfaction and your related concerns and experiences. It is essential that you are actively self-reflecting during the consultation and that we work out next steps together by the end of the session.

       Time Slots

      The duration of one session is 50 minutes and takes place in person at the address Augasse 2-6 (online on request only). We do not have appointments on holidays or lecture-free days.

      Find more information below under "registration".

      Time slots during the winter semester 2024/25: 





      Mail (contact: Luzia Jelinek)

      Subject: Registration [insert your study program]

      Please include in your mail:

      • 2-3 appointment options with date and time
      • student ID number
      • u:account-UserID
      • study program and level (bachelor/master)
      • topics or concers currently on your mind that you want to discuss

      Please wait for our confirmation of your appointment. Note that immediate appointments in the ongoing week are not always possible. 


      For questions about this program contact: Marcela Hubert

      Contact for registration: Luzia Jelinek

      Contact via:

      Address: CTL Augasse 2-6, area C, 5th floor